Tuesday 27 September 2016

NEAG Meeting notice

In the Distant
North East Area Group meeting information.
Saturday 1st October 2016
St Barnabas Church Hall Bournmoor
Time - Please Note 2pm - 6.00pm.

 (I've managed to get a notice out this time....!)

The next meeting of our group will be Saturday the 1st October. On Saturday we will be treated to a presentation and practical demonstration by Martin Stewart on the subject of turnouts using flat bottom rail. While working on his current layout ‘Ketton Cement’ Martin has developed a jig based
system that will enable anyone wanting to build modern points in a relatively short time.

In a nutshell it involves putting together a skeleton of soldered construction then filling in the spaces with laser cut sleeper bases - ‘simples’ as the meercats would say, but I’m not going to steal any more of Martin’s thunder - more next week. Suffice to say this is a sound development which Martin presented to those who attended the Forth and Clyde group Supermeet in Perth earlier this year. Martin has also developed some laser cut servo mounting plates which look just the job for easily mounting servos beneath the baseboard for turnout, signal or any other kind of remotely operated novelty you might wish to install on your layout. I have asked him to bring some along on Saturday.

Mick S.

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