Tuesday 4 December 2012

NEAG Meeting 8th December 2012

In the Distant

North East Area Group meeting information.
Saturday 8th December 2012
Saint Barnabas Church Hall, Bournmoor.
Time - Please Note 2.00pm – 5.00pm. (approx.)

Just a short note to advertise the NEAG Christmas 'bash' No topic as such because as everyone knows at our Christmas get together we just bring along our latest project (or even projects…!) to show everyone else what  we’ve been up to. Do try and bring something along, whether  it be a mini layout, or part of a layout that you’re busy with. I know of at least three group members who fall into the category of having a small layout project to bring along. Our Christmas meetings are so much more interesting when there is something to see so don’t be shy, whatever it is you’re doing let us all see and be inspired by it.

Of course the other side to the coin is that you may be just wanting to seek a little advice on a small matter that has not gone according to plan and the open meeting style forum such as we have in December is ideally suited to this. I will have my camera on the day and intend to take a few pictures to blog whatever it is you show. In addition there will be our usual Christmas tea with sweet mince pies in evidence as is the norm at this time of year.
See you on the 8th.
Mick S

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