Thursday 29 November 2012

N10 Saga almost concluded.

Here it is then - almost done......!
One or two minor things I'm not 100% happy with but I suppose that's always going to be the case.

Just a couple of pictures to show the latest progress - a front and rear view. The steps, hand rails and Ross pops are on and this is probably the last time anyone will see the little beastie without a coat of paint. No pictures of the chassis this time because the wheels are out having had the balance weights fitted and the chassis itself has had the axle holes, springs etc. maskoled (if such a word exists....!) and the whole lot now awaits painting. 

I will be taking this model along to the NEAG December meeting on the 8th but whether or not in its painted state depends how much free time I get next week.......! I intend publishing this little episode in the 2mm Magazine at some stage in the future but  other contributors take priority over the editor.....!

I will be advising of the NEAG meeting here soon.

Mick S.

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