Sunday 22 July 2012

NEAG Meeting 4th August 2012

In the Distant
North East Area Group meeting information.
Saturday 4th August 2012
Saint Barnabas Church Hall, Bournmoor.
Time - Please Note 2.00pm – 5.00pm. (approx.) 

The 30th anniversary celebration has been and gone and we’re now well into our 31st year of meetings. 

Well we’re probably a little further than that already because our inaugural meeting was held on the Saturday 9th January 1982 which makes us six months into the 31st year....! As always we try to have at least part of the afternoon with some focal point of interest and it was when I was pondering what to do for the next meeting I thought of the Chris Higgs etched replacement chassis for the Bachmann/Farish locomotives. Because GWR and LMS engines don’t interest me in the slightest from a modelling perspective I have probably picked the most difficult of the conversions to attempt; the 08. 

The launch of the original etches was not without a certain amount of controversy with some of the etched assembly jigs not being quite right. Happily I think these issues were quickly resolved. Those of you who have downloaded the 08 instructions may have seen there is more than a passing resemblance to the instructions for the Association Locomotive Kit No 1. The pictures were, in fact, taken as I did the test build and instructions for that kit. The conversion kit differs very slightly in that there is no PCB footplate and one or two other things which follow on from that mean the etches need to be put together slightly differently.

So, on Saturday the 4th I will guide you though what I have done so far. I will bring along the 08 built from the Association’s kit (the test build) for comparison. What I have to say on the subject will obviously not take all afternoon so there will be plenty of time for a good old natter too especially if you bring your latest project along with you.....!

My view, for what it’s worth, is these replacement etches are a good way to get a fine scale locomotive running in a short time and although the launch of them may have suffered a hiccup the overall concept is sound and should be of great assistance to all budding loco builders. 

Mick S.

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