North East Area Group meeting information.
Saturday 14th April 2012
Saint Barnabas Church Hall, Bournmoor.
Time - Please Note 2.00pm – 5.00pm. (approx.)
First of all my apologies for not getting this out sooner. For some reason I imagined I had a fortnight from York show to send out the notice of the meeting when in fact I had less than seven days - shocking! (Or the onset of old age........)
At the upcoming meeting on Saturday I want to return to the subject of couplings and in particular the Electra coupling. You will all know about these couplings and the fact that Chris Mills and I both not only use them but had designed modifications of John Whitehead's original concept.Of course we are in regular contact with John and when he saw we had made some modifications to his original design it obviously got him thinking and he came up with a further improvement on the newer design.
Following this Chris, industrious as ever, designed and neat jig for use in their manufacture. I personally think this is an ingenious design and approached Alan Smith to see if it were feasible to mass produce these items. Well the answer is yes and I will have just such a jig with me on Saturday to show you all how easy it is to make these things accurately.
Our next meeting after Saturday is of course the 30th Anniversary of the formation of the North East Area Group being held on the 23rd June.
Watch the space
Mick S.
Hi Mick,
Maybe you could write an article for the magazine! ;o)
David Mallott
Yes, that's the plan. I'll blog photos of the jig first and then Chris and I intend not only to co-write an article but also to collaborate on a video.
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