Sunday 15 April 2012

NEAG Meeting update

Yesterday's meeting went off quite well with a good deal of interest shown in the Electra coupling. I was able to do three small demonstrations showing how the Chris Mills designed jig made construction of the couplings very easy and fairly quick.

The reason for there being three mini demonstrations was a large number of people gathered around a single table might not have been quite so informative. Well, this is 2mm scale and things are by their very nature, small.

One comment on the last posting was a suggestion that this might make a reasonable subject for a 2mm Magazine article. Well that has certainly been the plan for a while but before we launched into that we want to be sure what gets published reflects what is the final version of the jig. In addition Chris and I are looking at the possibility of doing a short video.

The first of our pictures show one small session in progress toward the end of the afternoon. The second picture shows members forming an orderly queue for the other regular event of our meetings..................!

Mick S.

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