Thursday 3 July 2008

Get on with some modelling, Simms!

Enough of all this prattle about looking at other peoples layouts and spending money! I have actually done a (very) small amount of modelling in the last week or so...

The D49 approaches the finish line albeit rather slowly. While I've been sticking small details onto the loco body, the chassis has been running in. Here you can see the addition of; cab side steps, buffers, steam pipes from the boiler to the cylinders, smokebox door, chimney and dome. There are still a fair number of items to go; front steps, grab handles, whistle, valves, Wakefield lubricators, not to mention the cab roof. I also need to fabricate a backhead to go in the cab.

The more eagle eyed of you will have noticed that the loco was stood on a piece of Easitrac. I assembled four lengths in less than 1/2 hour and even glued one down! You can see from the unglued sections that there is severe wobble on the rail. Gluing the track down overcame this issue, but I hope that the tension won't subsequently lift the track unit! Onward...

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