Saturday 23 June 2018

NEAG Meeting 23rd June 2018

A slightly reduced number of members were present for a presentation and audience participation event at Bournmoor today. I had read the latest MRJ and become interested in the Palight dense foamboard which unlike some other types of foam board accepts solvent adhesive. I bought some for evaluation and thought the group might like to try scribing some stonework with the stuff. Scribing is done with a 'lill pin' in a pin vice and a straight edge - really easy.

 Above - the group, awaiting part one, a short powerpoint presentation.

 The pictures below should tell the story..... 

Above - Brian Hume actually scribed some 2mm brickwork...!

 It was apparent there was much interest and everyone either had a go or took the sample home to play with. 
For anyone interested, the Palight can be purchased from that well known auction site - search for Palight foamboard. 

Mick S.

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