Wednesday 2 November 2016

Hull Bridge - Old School - New Beginning

Time to start on a new layout. After Brafferton, I want a bit of a change; a smaller layout and a different era.

Hull Bridge will be a Hull and Barnsley layout set in the early c20th. Hull Bridge itself is a fictitious location and supposes that the H&BR built another small goods yard just east of Sculcoates goods station, on the opposite side of the River Hull. It will be urban in nature with ranges of warehousing and goods handling facilities.

I already have a baseboard, built with foamboard, that was originally intended for a BR blue layout subsequently aborted as James lost interest in model railways. I have successfully used this technique for baseboard construction before on Masham.

I have also decided to go back to basics, so the trackwork is all copperclad soldered construction and of necessity I will have to scratchbuild/kitbash much of the stock. The buildings will be generally of card construction with brickpaper rendering.

So far I have developed a track plan and applied this to the existing baseboard. I have made a start on track work with some lengths of plain track and one crossover manufactured. ]

I have yet to finalise the scenic features and would welcome any input on the nature of the buildings and any photographic examples that might help me along.

As always, any comments are more than welcome.

1 comment:

Coal Tank said...

Hi nice photos of the buildings if it has that flavour it should be very interesting to model