Tuesday 12 July 2011

LNER/BR N10 0-6-2t

Something that has occupied a bit of time lately, when the opportunity presented itself that is, has been this Fence Houses Model Foundry generic 0-6-0 chassis. Designed for the 8ft - 8ft 6inch wheelbase tender engine I have done what I usually do and used it for something else....!
It now forms the 0-6 part of an 0-6-2t, eventually to become one of the N10 class of locomotives. It is currently 0-6 because I've not figured out how I'm going to fit the trailing wheels, plenty time for that...! The reason I started this was to see if I could get one of the Nigel Lawton midi motors into the space between the tanks, as opposed to being in the bunker which might be regarded as normal practice. No, I want to see a bit of daylight through the cab so the intention has been to feed the motor in from the opposite end.

Along the way I have developed a motor mount that retains the motor without the need for screws, brackets or glue of any sort. It is a piece of brass bar bored out to the precise diameter of the motor. A little time consuming in the making but I find machining metal in the lathe very therapeutic. The mount itself needs to be secured (in my case using solder) to the chassis of course but the motor is an interference fit inside the bore of the mount. This has the advantage that if I ever want to change the motor for any reason at all I can do so easily and the extra bonus is the weight of the brass mount aids adhesion. Not that I think there is any great need for loads and loads of weight in a 2mm loco, it's more a question of balancing the right amount of weight. This in conjunction with adequate current pick up and a free running chassis, which can easily be achieved by removing the motor as aforesaid, means reasonable running should be the result. Anyway, have look at the pictures and you will see where I am with it. It is necessary to make a sleeve for the 1mm motor shaft to ensure it will fit the 1.5mm bore of the worm but more of that anon.....! I will post more as the project progresses.

I have made a slight alteration to the 'Jones' chassis in that I have joined the cantilevered gearbox tower to the opposing frame with some double sided PCB to give extra rigidity. This is easily seen in the lower two shots.

Next time you might get a link to a video to show how it's running......

Mick S

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