Saturday 13h December 2008 Saint Barnabas Church Hall Bournmoor.
Time - Please Note 2.00pm – 5.00pm. (approx.)
At the forthcoming meeting, which is, Christmas our get together there will be no instructional session. Instead those of you who have been working on a project are invited to bring it along and show us what you have been up to. There will be no need to stand up and speak just bring your bits and pieces along sit at a table, maybe do a bit of work on whatever it is you bring along and answer the questions that will get asked. Do bring something along because we may have a couple of new group members attending for the first time and there can be nothing better than models to enthuse new blood. It is no surprise to see how much interest is generated by partly completed models.
For my part I will have with me the Bachmann class 108 DMU that I have just finished fine scaling and I hope to have the Q6 back in action in time for Darlington show this coming weekend (6/7th Dec) so I will bring that along.
I have been working on some adjusting screws for the Wansbeck Road fiddle yard so there’s a good chance I will able to show some result there. There will be a number who will not make it this time due to the Wigan Show - on one hand and the unveiling of Tornado in it’s new livery on the other.
At Wigan, 2mm Scale gets a really good showing. In addition to the 2mm Scale Association publicity stand, Stephen Harris will be there with Ynysarwed Sidings and Jim and Sue Allwood with Welton Down so there are three really good reasons for trying to get to the show if you can. Of course even if we didn’t have such a good presence it would still be an excellent show to attend. While Wigan is in full swing, we will be enjoying our usual pre Christmas celebration with all the normal goodies including the mince pies...........!
See you all on the 13th.
See you all on the 13th.
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