North East Area Group meeting information.
Saturday 5th June 2010
Saint Barnabas Church Hall, Bournmoor.
Time - Please Note 2.00pm – 5.00pm. (approx.)
As previously indicated, the next meeting will be devoted to one particular method of weathering. Edward Sissling is not only going to demonstrate his technique for weathering but will also guide anyone who wants to have a go themselves. So if you want to join in here is the list of what we suggest you will need:-
1. Airbrush
2. Compressor & extension lead (or other air supply)
3. Spray booth or face mask
4. Wooden lolly sticks or coffee stirrers
5. Blu-Tak
6. Latex gloves
7. Old newspaper to protect the table
8. Selection of enamels
(weathering shades; browns, blacks, whites etc)
9. Enamel thinners
10. Kitchen roll
11. Loco/coach/wagons to work on.
I have been promising myself a spray booth for a good while now and at the time of writing I have just ordered one from On Tracks for £69.98. There are a good number of websites where the price of these things is around the £70.00 mark. If you’re in an enclosed area they really are a must. Of course it’s no good having a spray booth without an airbrush so if you want one of those then I can recommend RDG Tools. I bought a double action airbrush from this firm at the model engineer exhibition recently for £18.50. I had to ask why they were so cheap and the reply I got was ‘bulk purchases’. So I took a chance, bought one and when I got home and tried it, it performed just as well as any other airbrush I’ve ever had my hands on and for a fraction of the cost.
These two websites are worth a look. Usual disclaimer - simply a satisfied customer:-
Following the success of the Easitrac point workshops and if sufficient interest exists I am happy to organise such an event for the NEAG. Talk to me on the day or get in touch if interested. There is a shopping list of parts and tools that will be needed. A brief round up appears in the next 2mm Magazine.
See you on the 5th.
Mick S
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