This is the latest model to grace my workbench (aka the dining room table).
Masterclass Models GC Lowmac
This is an etched nickel-silver kit which will build into one of several variants of this long-lived design. I've chosen to construct mine as one of the Great Central Railway wagons (mainly because I have some suitable transfers). The photo shows progress to date - I need to add brake levers, buffers and couplings before it can be painted. Then I need to think about adding a load of some description! This will then join my rake of pre-grouping stock.
I have also decided to enter the Golden Jubilee Layout Challenge, and have spent a bit of time working on the plans for my entry, although they are still far from complete. The basic idea is to model a small North Eastern Railway wayside station based on those in the Ryedale area of North Yorkshire, complete with a small goods yard. The layout will be set in the 1950's/60's (a few years before closure of most of these lines), for the simple reason that there is a far greater choice of locomotives and rolling stock than earlier periods. As the deadline is a little over 2 years away, I figured that the less I had to build, the more chance I had of completing the challenge!
Baseboards will be constructed from foamcore (a polystyrene/cardboard sheet material commonly using in graphic design) supported on Ikea 'Ivar' bookshelf components.

Ikea 'Ivar' bookcase components (the ones I'm using aren't as tall as these!)
Progress has been limited so far to building a sample of baseboard (to see how robust it would be) and soldering-up a few lengths of straight track (using the recently introduced Versaline components). I'll try and post some progress updates here in due course.
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